Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Richard III dig: 'Strong evidence' bones are from long lost king





Richard Taylor from the University of Leicester says there are five clues the skeleton may be Richard III, including an arrow found in its back.

Archaeologists searching for the grave of Richard III have said "strong circumstantial evidence" points to a skeleton being the lost king. The English king died at the battle of Bosworth in 1485.

A dig under a council parking lot in Leicester has found remains with spinal abnormalities and a "cleaved-in skull" that suggest it could be Richard III. The University of Leicester will now test the bones for DNA against descendants of Richard's family.

Professor Lin Foxhall, head of the university's School of Archaeology, said: "Archaeology almost never finds named individuals - this is absolutely extraordinary.
"Although we are far from certain yet, it is already astonishing."

A university spokesperson said the evidence included signs of a peri-mortem (near-death) trauma to the skull and a barbed iron arrow head in the area of the spine. Richard is recorded by some sources as having been pulled from his horse and killed with a blow to the head. The skeleton also showed severe scoliosis - a curvature of the spine. Although not as pronounced as Shakespeare's portrayal of the king as a hunchback, the condition would have given the adult male the appearance of having one shoulder higher than the other.

As the defeated foe, Richard was given a low-key, almost anonymous, burial in the Franciscan friary of Greyfriars. This was demolished in the 1530s, but documents describing the burial site have survived. The excavation, which began on 25 August, has uncovered the remains of the cloisters and chapter house, as well as the church. Work focused on the choir area, in the centre of the church, where it was indicated Richard was interred.

The bones were lifted by archaeologists wearing forensic body suits in an effort to limit contamination by modern materials. DNA will be extracted from the bones and tested against descendants of Richard's family who reside in Canada.

Dr Turi King, also a Canadian, who is leading the DNA analysis, said: "It is extremely exciting and slightly nerve-wracking.
"We have extracted teeth from the skull, so we have that and a femur, and we are optimistic we will get a good sample from those." The tests are expected to take about 12 weeks to complete.

If their identity is confirmed, Leicester Cathedral said it would work with the Royal Household, and with the Richard III Society, to ensure the remains were treated with dignity and respect and reburied with the appropriate rites and ceremonies of the church.

Dr Steven Gunn- University of Oxford- On the historical events surrounding Richard's death

After the battle of Bosworth Henry VII didn't want anyone claiming that they were Richard III and had survived the battle.  Richard's body was taken to Leicester, slung naked over the back of a horse, and publicly displayed so people could see he was dead.

But there was the problem of how and where to bury him - what seems likely is that they wanted to avoid anything that would generate a posthumous cult.  There was a tradition in medieval England that people who were political victims then became popular saints. They wouldn't have wanted to bury him in York, where he was very popular.

Greyfriars was convenient and safe. Henry VII put steps in action for a tomb to be built, and the inscription was to be ambivalent, and in some ways rude about Richard III, talking about his nephews and indicating that he wasn't a very good king. There is evidence that people talked about him being buried there.

Archaeologists used a 1741 map of Leicester to find the site of Greyfriars and then compared this to the modern city to find where to dig

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