Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Deep Sea Dive...New Species

The deep sea is the only realm of  mystery, wonder and discovery left on earth. Please don't poison it any more.These wonderful creatures have the right to survive and they cannot speak for themselves.


  1. Anonymous3:32:00 PM

    My dear sweet lady,
    These creatures are more odd looking than the first ones.
    Dear lady, you are so right the deep sea is the only place left that man haven't destroyed.

    All through time man has destroyed the things he did not know or understand.
    My daughter showed me the pictures the scientists located in the depths of the volcano,my goodness that was a large rat, wonder have man found where they are located, if so it won't be long before they are extinct.
    The oil spill will reach the far corners of the earth, there will be a lot of under sea wonders, but give man a couple of decades and they will be extinct and faded to be no more .
    Since I have been following your site, it drawn on me that history is repeating itself and that's not good, not good at all.

    I don't know what,why,how and for what reason you and my daughter was brought together, maybe to spread the word and help man see his evil ways, one thing I do know is my daughter's group has grown from 15 to 20 to well over 80 or more and still growing.
    They had a meeting today and talked about how to meet their goals this month and know what dear lady I joined up to help the fight for her bears, they have opened their doors to all groups to joined as long as they are fighting for endangered species and Global Warming.
    When the meeting was almost over the chairman [Lois] asked my daughter to say a few words, she shook her head no but we insisted I had never heard her speak before and I dare say I was in for a treat.I looked around to see how many people we still had there and I saw my son ease in the side door, my daughter was not aware he was there.
    My daughter went to the front and as you know the in house begger was right behind her. She began by saying we need your help to save our planet from ourselves,we are not just asking for money, we need your time,hands, legs and your voice to help get the message out there.She spoke about 25 or 30 mintues and showed a clip of her bears and even the men had tears in their eyes, she got a standing ovation and my son clapped and said loudly, well done Baby you could see he was so very proud of her. My dear lady, I will say quite frankly I was knocked off my feet. Live and learn I say .
    Well there I go again, I warned you I was long winded.

    How is your dear husband? I knw you are taking special care of him, but like I said, next year or sooner the two of you will look back on this time and smile, knowing you both are blessed.
    Tell your dear mother, I am still being a good guy because it's to hot for anything else.
    For now dear lady I bid you so long til the next time which will be soon.
    Big G.
    I like the way you say G. so G. it will be.

  2. Dear G.
    You are right, history does repeat itself. That only goes to point out that we don't learn from our mistakes.
    The Ice-age apparently happened because of a comet or asteroid strike. We are creating the same conditions now with our own stupidity. The planet is heating up at twice the rate the scientists predicted. Three species of animal, insect or plant become extinct every hour of every day and some experts think it is more. I doubt we can even slow it down now. Sorry G, this is the madness that keeps me awake at night. What a disaster we have created for our grandchildren.
    People don't realize the delicate balance of the ecology. The destiny of the smallest bug is linked to ours.

    That's my sermon for the day. What did you think of it? Nee and I sometimes think we were brought together to help make people aware.

    I can also juggle oranges and sing at the same time. I wanted to learn ballroom dancing last winter but my husband wasn't up to it. I would love to be able to tango.It's dramatic and it's sexy.

    The tango is on my bucket list,my list of things to do before I die.I'd love to tour all the art galleries and museums of europe especially Florence, the heart of the Renaissance.I'd like to meet the queen again. I missed her this trip.
    I would love to hear your bucket list. Maybe you have already done everything. Come on back ...J

  3. Post Script to G: My husband is holding on. He is a tough old soldier. My mom is a tough old soldier too...HA! Thankyou for inquiring about them.

    I am so glad you got to see Nee in action. She is a dedicated lady.I'm pleased you went to a meeting with her. Maybe you will become truly interested in it. Or maybe you'll just go to meet girls and look at their legs.In either case it might be interesting.

    I can just picture Gilly following his mom up to the front to give a speech...Ha!...Your Pal ...J


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