Thursday, September 24, 2009

Georgia Flood


  1. Anonymous7:19:00 PM

    It's hard to believe a town could flood that bad.
    I guess people will take notice now, we are having floods where people was praying for rain this time of year.
    We can expect more flooding.
    The water from the ice caps has to go someplace.
    Between "Health-care and Global Warming, people, we are in one-hell-of a fix.
    Lets see if we can dig ourselves out this hole before it's to late.

  2. Anonymous7:21:00 PM

    I have a meeting tonight, so I will see you tomorrow...
    Take care, hope you feel better.

  3. I've been concerned about global warming for a number of years.I believed the scientists when they said we still had some time to find a solution.Now they realize they were wrong about the time.Global warming is occuring at twice the rate they expected.Like a snowball rolling downhill, it's picking up speed.One abnormal weather situation gives birth to three more.The ice caps at north and south pole are melting at an astonishing rate.Scientists are now saying it's an emergency situation,but if certain people don't see a difference with their own eyes, they don't believe it.Fools.

  4. Greenland and more importantly Siberia are melting and the peat bogs beneath the perma frost are thawing and surfacing.They are releasing billions of tons of methane into the atmosphere.It will double the greenhouse gases already in existence,which in turn will increase the rate of global warming.It's a vicious circle.


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