Thursday, April 09, 2009

Steve's Most Embarrassing Moments--And a Few of Mine

Steve isn't the only one who's had an embarrassing moment.I remember,I was in grade ten,a very sensitive fifteen year old,who didn't take derision,ridicule or rejection very well.Now,I can weather the derision and ridicule quite stoically,even,philosophically but I still have a problem with rejection.
Anyway,as I was sitting in French class one morning,I started to feel unwell;dizzy and nauseous.The teacher asked me a question.I knew because she was looking right at me and her lips were moving.I couldn't hear anything but a loud buzzing.
I knew I was going to blow chunks if I didn't leave the room immediately.I stood up.The teacher was still looking at me and frowning.She started to walk toward me.I took a couple of steps toward the door.The teacher was now about four feet away from me and looking concerned.
Suddenly,the vomit exploded from my mouth like a rocket powered projectile and landed all over her lovely beige suede shoes.I heard snickers and yucks,but they didn't register at that moment because my legs were about to collapse and I became aware of another problem.A roiling and rumbling in my bowels that told me if I didn't get out that door fast,I would disgrace myself in a way I could never live down.
I stepped forward into the pool of stomach contents and slipped,colliding with the teacher,who looked like she was about to barf,herself.I practically shoved her out of the way,got through the door and ran down the hall,which was difficult since I was clenching my butt muscles as hard as I could.I made it to the bathroom,barely.After another bout of upchucking,I was so weak I could hardly move and I collapsed by the toilet.
I was aware of hands,trying to lift me.I knew it was the school nurse.She cleaned me up and gave me a Gravol and a little water which just made me vomit all over again.I think she said there was an epidemic of a particularly virulent stomach flu going around the school.She said she was going to drive me home.Thankyou Jesus.I don't know how she got me into the car but she gave me a plastic bag to hold up to my mouth,just in case. I stumbled into my house on rubber legs and collapsed.
For the next twenty four hours I wasn't aware of much,but as I started to recover,the whole scene came back to me in HD and stereo.God,I was so humiliated,I was never going back to that school.And,how could I face my French teacher?
Turns out,she was a very nice woman who sent me a get well card and told me not to worry.She said lots of my classmates had come down with the same thing and would totally empathize with me.As a post script she said,"Don't worry about the shoes.I didn't like them much anyway."
So what was your worst moment.?


  1. Anonymous1:29:00 PM

    Hi sweetie,everything is fine here I have so much to tell you...all good....I told you we was funny,we know how to laugh at our selves..I may have to just put up a couple of posts with just pictures and make you laugh so hard pull off your panties,so you won't wet them.(GIGGLES)It's about me and old fart-ass Dave hahaha.

  2. Anonymous1:33:00 PM

    Over 25,000 visitors (HOORAY)I was hoping to reach that mark by April 17th...a little early ...I like it.

  3. Anonymous4:59:00 PM

    Steve had more nerve than I...if a gator/coc was that close to me..I would have very dirty pants...(GIGGLES)


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