Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chuckles and Yuks


  1. Anonymous10:55:00 AM

    I see and understand why Nee is so crazy about you.Nee don't let to many people get close to her,Nee go by her gut instincts and feeling,she talks about you all the time.Mom is so glad she found you .Mom said you have a great sense of humor,I have two older brothers,we treat Nee as our baby sister and Chris as our older brother,Nee is on my time to retire,because Gil won't let her go back to work.Be back later my off day.

  2. Anonymous6:56:00 PM

    I just finishing reading the conversations you and Nee had last night,you two sure have a good time visiting with each other.
    I told mom Gil was interested in Nee,he didn't know how to get her address,all her mail was sent to mom and gramp's address,he asked me i gave him mom's address,ask her it is so funny,gramps sure watched him. Nan

  3. Anonymous8:12:00 PM

    (Giggles) I showed these to Gil,He said he was going to stand on his head and see if I would kiss his have some great humor jokes and pictures,you can rerun them and no one would know the difference,I enjoy all of them.
    Nan you are in my mix to,all the times we had to run and hide to keep sis off our asses,boy what great times we had...hahaha

  4. Nan,I think Nee let Gil chase her around until she caught him.Women have done that since time began.She hooked him and bagged him and all the time he thought he was in control.

    Those two seem to be very much in love.Its wonderful to see.

    I don't have any brothers or sisters so I love to hear about your big family....J

  5. Gone out to dinner Luv.May be back late.Don't wait up....Hugs..

  6. Anonymous7:30:00 PM

    Jeannie ,I hope you see this,have you notice how tge stats have jumped since your story ran,just think what it will do for father's day...I will try to get back...if not I will see you early tomorrow..


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