Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Reflection" Just Me Nee

Everyone needs to go home every now and then.To go home means there is something waiting for you:Love of your family.To go home means having your favorite meal,cooked and waiting,it means lively conversation,laughter,some oldies but goodies playing in the background.Home is sitting back in an overstuffed chair,wrapped in a ragged blanket,watching reruns on TV.Home is a hot bubble bath and a fresh smelling bed,home is cuddling up next to your man,resting your head in his arms....telling him all your troubles and fears while he gently strokes your cheeks....
These last few days I have been reflecting back on my life,I realize I have only scratch the surface...I remember so many things that I had feels good to visit your past sometime....there is joy/happiness/sadness...I realize there was more joy and happiness to reflect back on.
So every time there is a dark cloud,go to your quiet and special place...wait,because there is a silver lining with rainbows and sunshine....just open your heart ,listen the wind ,be one with nature...there is a lot you can hear and see with your heart,that you cannot see or hear with your eyes and ears....
I am good at getting things done,guess what,I don't always give myself time to dream.I may not be brilliant, I will give myself the chance to see what dreaming brings into my life...I can and will be the person who provides the flame if I set my mind to it.I will remember how extra-ordinary even my ordinary life is.(GIGGLES)Laughing may not solve my problems today,it may very well help me cope with them....stay be continued:
Thanks (JEANNIE) you is right ...this is good therapy.....Love you my friend....


  1. Beautifully said.You're more than a writer,you are a natural poet.

    Thankyou for the love...back-atcha

  2. Anonymous8:17:00 PM

    Awwww girl,you are giving me a big head....thank you said just let it is everyone?Nan and sis got in touch with Mrs.Hattie..we are going to see her as soon as the weather get better...we still have tornodo told me to keep plucking away I will get better..O.K.
    You never answered my question,when are you going to teach me to draw?(GIGGLES)

  3. I'll draw a cartoon of you and your family when I get a little leisure time.Have to sign off early tonight.Got to get Nana to the hospital at 8 a.m.

    Look at the blog.I took your idea.Nana on the rampage.

  4. Anonymous9:02:00 PM

    I like it ..Nana is my kind of woman...ain't scared of shit...Take care of Nana ,we will talk tomorrow...tell Nana to be nice and have a good sense in telling her to be good ,she won't. hahaha


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